5 Foods That Help With Healthy Hearing

When it comes to maintaining your hearing health there are hundreds of recommendations intended to prevent or delay hearing loss. One such suggestion can easily be incorporated into something you’re likely already doing in your everyday life… eating a balanced...

Southwestern Hearing Leading Innovator In Hearing Industry

Southwestern Hearing executives are heading to Las Vegas to speak with 300 hearing aid business owners about tapping undiscovered opportunities. Vice President Brian Marino was invited to speak at the Starkey Hearing Summit on Wednesday, January 18 about...

Use It Or Lose It: How To Exercise Your Ears

Is 2017 your year to get in shape or improve your health? Regardless of what you hope to achieve this year, we’ve complied some ways you can exercise your ears without ever leaving the comfort of your recliner. There is no need to lift heavy weights or even break a...