What are the Four Different Types of Hearing Loss?

If you’re having problems with your hearing, according to the professionals, not all hearing loss cases are the same in people. Hearing loss is caused by a blockage of sound transmission and based on the properties; hearing loss is always diagnosed by a certified hearing professional to determine which type of treatment a person should receive. If you or someone you know is having issues hearing or with balance, it is advised to book an appointment with a professional to see for your hearing loss or balance disorder. People who are having hearing problems resulted in the implementation of taking a hearing test, where the professional may ask for more information about the individual, and the type of hearing loss they suffer from. There are four main types of hearing loss, which are sensorineural hearing loss, mixed hearing loss, auditory processing disorder, and conductive hearing loss. It is important to note that all four types of hearing loss differentiate from each other, continue to read on for more information on the types and treatment offered.

The Four Different Types of Hearing Loss

  • Sensorineural Hearing Loss: People with this degree of hearing loss usually suffer when the inner ear nerve and hair cells in the cochlea are damaged. The inner ear is home to some of the most delicate bones in the body. This type of hearing loss can be an introduction to the genetics or may occur as a result of a person being subjected to excessive occupational noise, aging, injury, meningitis, diabetes, smoking, or hypertension. If you are diagnosed with sensorineural hearing, this impacts the pathways from the inner ear to the brain. Unfortunately, treatment for sensorineural hearing loss cannot be corrected medically or surgically but can benefit from the use of a hearing aid.
  • Mixed Hearing Loss: This refers to a combination of both sensorineural and conductive hearing loss. In mixed hearing loss, there is a hearing loss by bone conduction, but an even greater chance of hearing loss via air conduction. This may occur as a result of infection, injury, being subjected to excessive occupational noise, accidents, malformation of the middle ears, earwax buildup, aging, or illness. If you experience any of the above, you are at risk of developing this type of hearing loss. The degree of speech frequency hearing loss is case dependent to people. The treatment for mixed hearing loss can be a dual-step process as both forms of hearing are present, they must be treated
  • Auditory Processing Disorder: This type of hearing loss may occur as a result of defects in the central auditory system, or the nerve is damaged or missing, this is known as a neural hearing loss. Cochlear implants or hearing aids cannot help as the nerve is not able to pass on sound information to the brain. However, people who suffer from this type of hearing loss are able to get an auditory brainstem implant, which provides hearing to people. This procedure directly stimulates the hearing pathways in the brainstem which bypasses the inner ear and hearing nerve. Having this surgery restores hearing in people who suffer from hearing loss.
  • Conductive Hearing Loss: Looking at patterns, conductive hearing loss may occur as a result of obstructions in the outer or middle ear, which could be caused by barriers of the ear canal, wax buildup, dislocation of the middle ear bones, foreign object in the canal, abnormality growths, tumors, or otosclerosis. This type of hearing loss prevents sound from getting into the inner ear. Fortunately, this can be used in the treatment of medicine or surgically.

Signs you may suffer from hearing loss

  • Muffling of speech and other sounds
  • Having difficulty understanding words, especially in a crowd or against background noise
  • Asking others to speak slower, clear, or louder
  • Television or radio volume is required to be turned up
  • Withdrawal from conversations
  • Social setting avoidance

When it comes to your hearing, the first step of the journey is to check your hearing. After your hearing loss has been determined, the professionals will go over your options for what is available. If the person has a condition that is suitable for hearing aids, this will be tailored to the person’s lifestyle. There is a wide range of designs for every type of hearing impairment. Each device looks and feels different than others, in today’s market there are a variety of hearing aids, which could be digital hearing aids, iPhone hearing aids, or rechargeable hearing aids. Additionally, depending on the size of hearing aids, this could vary from a mini receiver-in-canal to an invisible-in-canal. When looking for a hearing aid, the person will choose one that would depend on the type of hearing loss, the ear shape, and the lifestyle of the person. Luckily, there is something out there for everyone!

Different Hearing Aid Styles

  • Invisible in Canal
  • Completely in Canal
  • In the Canal
  • In the Ear
  • Mini Receiver in Canal
  • Receiver in Canal
  • Behind the Ear
  • Mini Behind the Ear
  • Power Plus behind the Ear

As discussed above, if you’re having problems with your hearing, according to the professionals, not all hearing loss cases are the same in people. Hearing loss is caused by a blockage of sound transmission and based on the properties; hearing loss is always diagnosed by a certified hearing professional to determine which type of treatment a person should receive. There are four main types of hearing loss, which are sensorineural hearing loss, mixed hearing loss, auditory processing disorder, and conductive hearing loss. It is important to note that all four types of hearing loss differentiate from each other. Additionally, it is estimated that 1 in 6 baby boomers struggle with hearing loss, and hearing aids are a very good alternative when it comes to not being able to hear properly. Although hearing aids may not work for every condition, there are a number of different options suited for the type of hearing loss, the ear, and the lifestyle of the person.